Esti Hess Story Solutions Books In English

The Story Solutions series enriches your home library with captivating, real-life stories and eye-catching illustrations that appeal to young children and contribute to their positive emotional development. Story Solutions teaches children to overcome the many, varied challenges that fill their early years. Ingraining essential skills and an optimistic attitude through a positive story experience, the series leads children to achieve a healthy emotional balance while confronting their difficulties and fears. The entertaining, educational and therapeutic stories in this series come reviewed and highly recommended by bibliotherapists.

The Day I Got Lost

From the book's introduction:

One of a child’s most fundamental emotional needs is to be heard. When a child feels listened to, he feels understood. His frustration dissipates, and he finds the inner strength to deal with challenges.

A story is an excellent tool that offers children a gift similar to listening. When a child reads or hears a story about a situation that mirrors his own experiences, fears, and thoughts, he feels understood. His frustration and confusion decrease, and he emerges strengthened. Another basic need is to know that we are never alone in our feelings. There are others who feel the same—joy, fear, longing or worrying about the same things that you and I do. This knowledge generates tremendous comfort—as the saying goes: A trouble shared is a trouble halved.

This book provides a listening ear to nearly every child who suffers from (or fears) separation anxiety, low self-confidence, loneliness and other fears.

Aside from the benefits it brings through the listening and sharing, a good story also carries within it a message of optimism and hope. This serves as a corrective experience that helps the child emerge with newfound strength and a positive perspective on specific difficult experiences and on life in general.

Available at the top bookstores at a cost of NIS 45

The price for a digital book (PDF) is 29 NIS​.

Currently on sale 18 NIS.

!?So What

From the book's introduction:

As parents, H-shem implanted within us a fierce desire to protect our  children from the moment they enter the world, and we do this the best of our ability. In their early years' we cover them when they're cold' attend to their physical and emotional needs' shower them with love and warmth' mediate their arguments, and strive to do the best we can for them.

But when our children venture beyond our four protective walls, we lose our status as full-time protectors. They're out there in the world, navigating their own course and coping with challenges as best as they can. At this point, though we're unable to spread our wings over them, we can still gift them vital tools by imbuing them with optimism and positive attitude.

This book presents a fantastic technique that comes highly recommended by counselors and child experts in teaching child encounters at some point in life.

Available at the top bookstores at a cost of NIS 45

The price for a digital book (PDF) is 29 NIS​.

Currently on sale 18 NIS.

My Baby Sister

From the book's introduction:

One of the most tumultuous experiences in a child’s life is the arrival of a new baby brother or sister.
The addition of a new family member can send a child spiraling into a whirlwind of mixed emotions.
On one hand, he’s happy and excited to share in the simcha and love expressed by the adults in his life, but he’s simultaneously confused and fears the prospect of losing his special place in the family.

Caught between the warring emotions raging within, a child is confused, and he himself doesn’t know what he feels.

This book teaches children the concept of mixed feelings. Conflicting emotions exist, and each one is legitimate. Jealousy doesn’t negate feelings of love, and love doesn’t automatically eliminate jealousy. The story also seeks to allay a child’s very real fears about losing his place by providing a positive narrative experience that upgrades his status in the family after the birth of a new sibling and also respects his needs and privacy.

Available at the top bookstores at a cost of NIS 45

The price for a digital book (PDF) is 29 NIS​.

Currently on sale 18 NIS.


From the book's introduction:

Children like to surprise the adults in their lives with plans that
can sometimes lead to a conflict between the child’s justified
need for independence versus his acceptance of authority, or
between his genuine eagerness to make others happy versus
honesty and openness.

A surprise that is discovered before its time and therefore spoiled, can cast a child into a whirlwind of overwhelming emotions that sometimes leaves his parent feeling lost and helpless.

The story in this book identifies and empathizes with the child’s feelings, while simultaneously leading him on a step-by-step emotional process that allows him to understand, accept and appreciate reality.

Each line in the book and every expression on the faces of the characters were meticulously crafted with the belief that granting children awareness and understanding of the conflicts in their lives softens the blows of life and imbues them with necessary coping skills to surmount daily challenges.

Available at the top bookstores at a cost of NIS 45

The price for a digital book (PDF) is 29 NIS​.

Currently on sale 18 NIS.

Why Things Come To An End

From the book's introduction:

As parents, we tend to think that children live simple, carefree lives. Aside from the trivialities that aggravate them, they don’t yet bear the yoke of daily living or of earning a living. The truth is that deeply important philosophical questions sometimes rest behind certain emotional reactions; questions that children secretly ponder: Questions about forever, about purpose, about meaning in life, and other issues.

A simple question like, “Why does the snow melt?” or “Hey! How did the wedding end so fast?” may veil a child’s need to connect to permanence. The child himself is likely unaware of it, but this is a real need that stems from his neshamah, from the chelek Eloka mima’al inside him.

This book endeavors to sensitively address the emotions underlying these existential questions, and   give children the mitzvah message that connecting to eternity is actually within their reach.

Available at the top bookstores at a cost of NIS 45

The price for a digital book (PDF) is 29 NIS​.

Currently on sale 18 NIS.

When Mommy Is Tired

From the book's introduction:

“A worry in man’s heart; he should speak it out,” counsels Shlomo HaMelech, the wisest of all men. Many problems, issues and worries that our children confront can be prevented through healthy discussion and genuine listening. Understandably, in the race of daily life, we’re not always able to have or be available for heart-to-heart discussion. Sometimes we’re just too busy, and other times, the issues are emotionally-laden which makes them harder to discuss openly.

One excellent way to circumvent these obstacles is through writing. When we write, it’s easier to think rationally, divest ourselves of negative emotions, and just be ourselves.

Some children and parents still find it difficult to express themselves in writing, and this is where a story can help. Stories let us discuss anxiety indirectly, soften it, and offer the child the support he needs to overcome it.

Available at the top bookstores at a cost of NIS 45

The price for a digital book (PDF) is 29 NIS​.

Currently on sale 18 NIS.

At Night

From the book's introduction:

As parents, we strive to smooth the bumps and eliminate pain and fear in our children’s lives, yet there are many unavoidable circumstances and challenges that are an integral part of the childhood development process. One of the most common childhood terrors is the night, which includes both fear of the dark and fear of being left alone.

Stories have a therapeutic effect. As parents, we can harness them as powerful tools to provide our children with positive emotional experiences. Through the friendly characters in a story, we can lead our child comfortably into his fears and traumas. The child identifies with the heroes in the story, feels their emotions, thinks their thoughts, and accompanies them through conflict until they emerge triumphant.

Stories such as these decrease threats and fears, present workable solutions, make the child feel better, and provide him with the tools he needs to combat similar situations in real life.

Available at the top bookstores at a cost of NIS 45

The price for a digital book (PDF) is 29 NIS​.

Currently on sale 18 NIS.

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